Duty Personnel
** Events Committee – RTC/LDC, Coy Outing & Enrolment Service
All 3 events chairman (SSG Jasper Cheng - RTC/LDC, CPL Shawn More - Coy Outing) to submit full report (draft) via email to Mr. Ken by 4-Feb, Saturday latest. For Enrolment Service, CLT Elvis Wong, only need to submit partial report (draft) (Mr. Ken will meet CLT Elvis up) by 4-Feb, Saturday latest. The 3 events chairman may meet up your committee from this week onwards.
Date: 4 February 2012
Attire: Full Uniform
Bring: PT KIT, Water Bottle, Writing Materials
Time: Duty Personnel 9.00am
NCOs 9.00am
Boys 9.15am
B) APA - February (Badminton)
The APA (After Parade Activity) is an optional programme designed by 13th Company for BB Boys, Primers and Officers to come together and do an activity and have fun together. Through such activity and fellowship, it gives Boys, Primers and Officers more time to interact with each other, thus building strong and close relationship with one another. Attendance will not be taken. However, everyone is strongly encouraged to join. Before the start of APA, after parade, we will proceed for lunch first. (Lunch is on the Boys' own expense.)
NOTE: Boys must call their parents and seek their parents' permission before participating.
The first APA for 2012: 13th Company Badminton Championship
Date: 11-Feb, Saturday
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Sembawang Indoor Sports Hall (TBC)
Attire: PT-Kit
Bring: Badminton Racket, Water Bottle
Kindly register your names with SSG Ruben s/o Kanayar.
Sec 1s are also invited! :)
C) BB Blaze 2012 - Selection
The annual BB Blaze promotes teamwork, endurance, fighting spirit and winning through fair means, allowing Boys to apply their skills learnt at adventure and sports courses. Boys from different companies compete against each other in this physically and mentally challenging, but thoroughly fulfilling adventure race.
The BB Blaze 2012 is only opened to BB Boys Sec 2 onwards.
Team: 4 Boys are required to form 1 team. The Company will be sending 1 team.
Training: Every Tues and Thurs evening 6:30pm-7:30pm (Physical) & occasionally on Saturday, after parade (for special trainings like archery, rapelling, kayaking, etc)
Testing training: 31-Jan, 2-Feb, 7-Feb, 9-Feb, 14-Feb & 16-Feb
Venue: Canberra Park, opposite of Sembawang Secondary School
Attire: Any comfortable sports attire
Bring: Water bottle (Carry light, do not bring the whole wallet, just bring your ez-link card and $5 cash just in case)
Meet: Mr. Ken
NOTE 1: If it rain, and it doesn't stop by 6pm, please contact Mr. Ken to check if training is still on or not.
NOTE 2: Any meals must be taken 1-hour before the training or after training to prevent appenditis
Requirements (Boys must meet the following requirements):
- Committed (in all 6 testing training dates)
- Parade attendance from Oct 2011 to end Jan 2012 (at least 75%)
- Physically fit
- Attended at least once rappelling during his years in BB
- At least First Aid Stage 1
- Kayaking Stage 1
- Know how to cycle
- Know how to swim short distance of 50m with life buoyancy vest
Boys who are unsure may come for the first few training first. Official registration will be in mid of Feb 2012.
During the official registration, we will only select Boys who are:
- Committed: Do not miss training for invalid reasons
- Meet all basic requirements.
- Have the desire to help the Company win a second Silver award!
** If the response is overwhelming, the company will consider opening a second team.
1. All trainings are compulsory. Boys who did not turn up without valid reasons will be taken out from the Blaze Team.
2. After registration with the BBHQ, Boys who last minutes withdraw without valid reasons will be barred from registration of BBHQ's courses/events for the next 6 months. Promotion will also be put on hold for the next 6-months.
NOTE: For Founder's applicant, it is a requirement to participate in at least one of the National Level Competitions (i.e. BB Blaze or Character Quest) during their first 3 years in BB.
Boys who are interested, please register with SSG Ruben by 4-Feb, Sat.
If you are unsure, please give him your name that you want to test out the training first.
D) National Event In-Lieu (Courses/Events)
Part of the National Event In-Lieu requirements is to complete the 3 out of the 5 following courses/events:
- EEP Stage 1 & 2 (Energy Experience Programme)
- Fireman Stage 1 (Civil Defence)
- SANA Stage 1
- Heritage Stage 1
- Remembrance Day (every Nov)
The above courses are only opened to Boys who are Sec 2 & 3. Boys who have not fulfill the 3 out of 5, please register with the Programmes Dept Officer, 2LT Ken Li.
NOTE: Boys who did not turn up for the course / did not submit assignments without valid reasons will be barred from registration of BBHQ's courses/events for the next 6 months. Promotion will also be put on hold for the next 6-months. The Boy is also required to pay the remaining full amount of the course.
E) Windsurfing Course (Sailing Stage 1)
Date: 16 June 2012, Sat
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: East Coast Park Beach - Water venture
Fee: $20 (After School and Church subsidy)
*Boys who are interested may look for LCP Austen Poh and give him your names latest by 4-Feb, Sat.
NOTE: Boys who did not turn up for the course / did not submit assignments without valid reasons will be barred from registration of BBHQ's courses/events for the next 6 months. Promotion will also be put on hold for the next 6-months. The Boy is also required to pay the remaining full amount of the course.
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